December 5, 2017

378 words 2 mins read

SharePoint Framework & Angular Elements : Using Office UI Fabric Core

SharePoint Framework & Angular Elements : Using Office UI Fabric Core

One of the great feature of the SharePoint Framework ecosystem is the availability of the Office UI Fabric. What is great with this set of components is that it is easy to include in Office applications (client, web) and in SharePoint as it shares the same UI philosophy and it simplifies the development of those experiences.

Angular Elements and SharePoint Framework are still in their developments. This codes is based on pre-release of Angular Elements and a very “rough” integration with the SharePoint Framework. I am still pushing those samples so you can start playing with the technology. Please don’t use any of this in production as of today. I will update the posts and code when better support will be offered by both Angular and SharePoint Framework.

This post is part of a series of post on integrating the SharePoint Framework with Angular Elements

We have bad news…

As of today, it is not possible to use the Office UI Fabric Core to really fully take advantage of everything it has to offer. It can work with its Grid System and all the typography which is a good start… But the top reason to use Office UI Fabric is certainly its theming capabilities…

The way it currently works is that your themes are being replaced at runtime using a loadStyles method inside SPFx… That method knows which styles to change and to apply (primary colors, secondary colors, etc.). But if it is embeded inside an Angular application, SPFx doesn’t know anything about it and just skips it. Leaving a white feel to all the controls your will build. For now, I would recommend to continue using your own styling or Angular Material for SPFx work using Angular Elements.

But be sure that I will update this post as soon as new development is possible using Angular and Office UI Fabric Core!


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